No new pictures from the last few days, since the pictures are not that dramatic. We did find a dead doe at The Funny Farm on Friday last week. Unfortunately, she had a shot to the gut. For the non-hunters it means she could of traveled up to 2 miles in this condition. This is why, at my hunter's safety class, we are told to not shoot unless you have a clear shot to the kill zone. Of course, the hunter might have missed his target as a mistake. We were not sure if the meat could be used, so we called a friend to come look. After "dressing the deer" he determined that the gut shot created the awful smell and since there was steam coming from the body once opened, she had not died too long ago, so we could use the meat. I would rather the hunter found her, but it is better us to use the meat over the other animals.
I hope to post more pictures this week, as we have a cement truck coming out on Tuesday before Thanksgiving and the Monday after. Then you will see the house really form.