Don't worry! They are baby chicks. We thought it would be nice for the kids to experience birth with the chickens. So when we discovered one of our Buff Orpingtons was broody, we let her sit on some eggs. Some are hers and some belong to the other girls. We started with 8 eggs but she broke one. She was terribly upset, but quickly got rid of the stinky yoke buy eating it. A week after sitting on the eggs we added 3 more (marking them). SO...out of 10 eggs....
5 babies were born 3 weeks later. Three weeks of sitting and sitting. I think I would rather have 9 months of moving around. :) She only gets off to relieve herself, maybe once every 2 days. She eats very little so her body can handle it. Though her comb started to get a little pale so we gave her scrambled eggs and sausages.
As soon as those babies were born, her comb color started to come back. You can see her watchful eye on me. I was trying to put food in her crate and she peaked at my hand. The feathers on the back of her neck are up too. This is only her first time being a mom, as she is only about 15 months old. She is a good one, though.